For the first time, Tecendo Sonhos (Weaving Dreams) makes available the option to donate on the Program Website. This action is part of the donation campaign via natural person named #DoeTecendoSonhos. Your donation can be made here, at any time, and the value of your contribution is the donor’s choice. It works very simply: you only choose a credit or a debit card and enter your personal data.
To finalize the donation, it is necessary for the donor to register with PayPal, which is a payment company that has been operating internationally since 1998 and is one of the most important in this sector, being able to make quick payments and help in sending money orders safely. Information concerning all the resources collected in this campaign will be disseminated and monitored through reports on the Program´s Website, guaranteeing the transparency of the entire process.
On the International day for the fight against Slave Labor, held on 28 January, various massive mobilizations were carried out associated with this issue and the Tecendo Sonhos (Weaving Dreams) Program was present on the following two main actions.
In partnership with the Justice Secretariat of São Paulo, Tecendo Sonhos mobilized and guided people on the fight against Slave labor in the subway, clinics, Green line, in the city of São Paulo. This same day Tecendo Sonhos, participated as a guest in the event “Slave work and human dignity” organized by ESMPU (College of the Public Ministry of the Union), where the key issue was the everyday reality experienced by immigrants who are in slavery-like conditions in the fashion chain.
Both actions were of extreme importance to make people aware and conscious about the sector vulnerable situation on this matter and widely spread knowledge of the cause. Emphasis was laid on the work carried out by this Program which is to promote work trustworthy relations through entrepreneurship.
On the International Women´s day, held on March 8, “The future of women in the labor market” event took place, promoted by Together we impact at the Latin American Memorial in São Paulo, S.P. This event brought together different women who work to safeguard Human Rights from multiple actions and work fronts, such as actions in the Ministry of Labour, social care and the Public Defender Office. At the event Cristina Filizzola, Director and Coordinator of Tecendo Sonhos (Weaving Dreams), Program referred to the social impact of entrepreneurs led by women.
It checks reports, interviews and articles transmitted in recent months, about the Tecendo Sonhos (Weaving Dreams) Program and the Campaign. #DonaTecendoSonhos in the press:
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