How can I join in?

For Entrepreneurs:
If you are an immigrant or you are the owner of a sewing workshop, in the cities of São Paulo-SP or Caruaru and Toritama - PE, you can participate in the Program and become a supported entrepreneur by participating in a free course aiming at the management of your business, in addition to accessing other benefits of Tecendo Sonhos. Fill in the form:

Also access the exclusive and free contents of Tecendo Sonhos, which can help you in the development of your business, in the topics: Formalization, Pricing, and Institutional.
For Partners and Manufactures:

If your organization or manufacture wants to be part of the transformation of the textile chain into a fairer chain, and you want to integrate the network of partners of Tecendo Sonhos, contact our team and learn more about our work! Contact us by e-mail and phone:
E-mail: tecendosonhos@tecendosonhos.aliancaempreendedora.org.br
Phone: (11) 3104-7672
Our address in the city of São Paulo is:
Aliança Empreendedora São Paulo
Rua Capitão Cavalcanti, 82 - Vila Mariana,
São Paulo - SP, 04017-000